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Welcome to Sixth Form

The peak of school life, the start of real life - get ready for your next adventure

Which A-levels? Which career? Which degree course? You’re the one who has to make the decisions. We’ll help you, we’ll advise you. But we won’t spoon-feed you.

We will teach you how to work and think independently – developing those transferable skills that will serve you for the rest of your life. When you no longer need us, we’ll have done our job. Ready for your next adventure.

Introduction from Mr Drury, Director of Sixth Form

87% of A-levels
Attend chosen university

Exciting opportunities

Joining Colfe's in the Sixth Form

New Year 12 students tell us what it was like starting a new school at 16.

What our students say
"It's definitely what I wanted from a Sixth Form...and more." - Olivia, Year 12

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