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Art, Design & Photography

A place to explore ideas that evolve into inspired design and imaginative work

Mrs N Gudge BA (Hons)
Head of Faculty: Creative Art and Design


The Creative Art and Design Faculty is housed in the Beardwood Creative Arts Centre and a stand-alone 3D Design studio suite. The dynamic and broad-ranging faculty encompasses Art, Craft and Design, Photography, Textiles and Three-Dimensional Design. Facilities include three spacious, light-filled art studios, a separate photography studio and dark room, two large 3-D Design studios, a Textiles studio, a digital area with a full adobe suite and a printmaking and screen printing area.

Our suite of subjects teach technical, creative, thinking and planning skills that enable pupils to form their own ideas into objects or images. As our students progress through the school, we teach them to manage their own projects and time effectively – working towards a stunning show of personal work should they choose to pursue any of the creative art subjects at GCSE and A-level. In addition, history of art and photography forms an integral part of the course and the starting point to every unit of work in every year group.



Years 7-9

In Years 7-8, pupils explore and develop two and three-dimensional skills across the core areas of Art, Craft & Design and 3D Design. The focus is on developing creativity and making skills, and includes textiles, line work, mark-making, colour theory, product design and jewellery design. All of this will equip our students with the skills and understanding of the formal elements, and develop creativity and making skills.

In Year 9 and in preparation for GCSEs, pupils can choose two of the three distinct courses offered: Art, Craft & Design, Textiles and 3D Design. Pupils also have the opportunity at this stage to explore photography both digitally and in the darkroom.

Years 10-11

At Year 10 as they embark on GCSE courses, pupils can choose to pursue two of the three options of Art, Craft & Design, Textiles or Three-Dimensional (3D) Design.

The GCSE Art, Craft & Design course at Colfe’s is an exciting multimedia course which aims to enthuse, develop confidence and creative thinking, and encourage students to explore their own interests and lines of enquiry. There will be visits to museums and exhibitions and several exciting workshops run by visiting artists. In Year 10, pupils learn about a wide array of materials and processes in a range of themes and starting points. In Year 11, pupils will work towards more individual lines of enquiry and at the end of the year have the opportunity to display an exhibition of their work.

GCSE Textiles is a dynamic, creative course that allows pupils to explore a range of design and product-making, including art textiles, fashion design and illustration, costume design, printed and dyed textiles, stitching and embellishment, interior textiles, and digital, installed or constructed textiles.

GCSE 3D Design covers a broad range of areas, all of which develop pupils’ innovation, creativity, problem-solving skills and spatial awareness as well as core skills. The course allows pupils to explore subject areas ranging from product design, architectural design and 3D digital design to jewellery and body adornment.

Sixth Form

At A-level, students can choose two from the three courses on offer: Art & Design, Photography and Three-Dimensional (3D) Design.

The Year 12 courses in Art & Design and Photography consist of two components: ‘Materials and Processes’ and a ‘Personal Contextual Study’ where students are encouraged to explore an artist(s) and theme of their own choice. In Year 13, students are encouraged to pursue more personal lines of enquiry and an exam-based theme. The 3D Design course involves creating a portfolio and range of 3D products. Students also curate their own end-of-course exhibition. Each course offers an array of museum and exhibition visits, talks and workshop days with visiting artists. We encourage our students to regularly visit museums and galleries and attend talks outside of school.

The Creative Art and Design Faculty facilities include three spacious, light-filled art studios, a separate photography studio and dark room, two large 3-D Design studios, a Textiles studio, a digital area with a full adobe suite and a printmaking and screen printing area.

Each of the Creative Art and Design subjects are supportive subjects for all areas of academic work and, for many students, are seen as enriching elements of their broader education. Even students who do not intend to continue creative arts at higher education level – like some of our medicine students – quite often keep one as an option in Year 13. For those students planning to continue with higher education courses in the creative arts, we offer guidance with applications to art foundation and degree courses, and help to develop their portfolios in support of those applications. A-level Art & Design, Photography and 3D Design students at Colfe’s often go on to study degrees in Fine Art, History of Art, Architecture, Graphic Design, Advertising and Marketing, Animation, Set Design, Photography, Architecture, Engineering and more.


A-level Course Details

Art and DesignPhotography3D Design


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