Keeping you updated
We believe the key to working with parents is communication. We have an open door policy and encourage parents to come and talk to us at anytime. We also appreciate that with the busy lives we all lead, school information should reach you quickly and easily.
Below are links to online resources – available to all current parents – that you will find useful for keeping up-to-date on everything happening at Colfe’s.
- MyColfe’s – online, password-protected portal for parents containing timetables, reports, attendance and teacher contact details, the school calendar, sports fixtures and event photography. Regular news ‘digest’ emails, are sent to parents via MyColfe’s every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and are bespoke to your child(ren)
- SOCS – online team sheets and fixtures for Senior and Junior School sports
- Term Dates
- School Day – downloadable PDF of the timings of the Colfe’s school day
- Staff List
- School Policies
- Parents’ & Friends’ Association