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Junior School: age 7-11

Key Stage 2

Years 3-6 (ages 7-11)

Articulate, enthusiastic, moral, confident: that is how we like to see our pupils as they leave us for the Senior School.

We focus on three aspects of every child – talent, potential and character. Through the powerful Colfe’s blend of a strong curriculum and expert, specialist teaching children have daily timetabled lessons including English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Design and Technology, Humanities, Computing, Modern Languages, Music, Physical Education, Games and Personal Social Citizenship and Health Education.

All of this is underpinned by a rich programme of music, art, sport, drama, outdoor pursuits and other extra-curricular activities. As a co-educational school, boys and girls are encouraged to work together including our mixed games programme where pupils learn netball, hockey, football and cricket together.

Over 50% of the timetable in Key Stage 2 is taught by the Form Tutor. The remainder is taught by specialist teachers. Daily homework is introduced slowly from Year 3, preparing the children to manage their time responsibly and setting the foundations for effective independent learning when they transition to the senior school.

In a caring, purposeful and disciplined atmosphere in which pupils are recognised as individuals; we pride ourselves on knowing each pupil so their unique skills and talents are recognised. We encourage the children to be involved raising money for good causes in the community and understand that with privilege comes responsibility for others. The children plan and organise events so that it becomes a learning experience.


Supporting all pupils

Colfe’s Junior School is committed to providing equal access for all pupils.

More Able

All our pupils, including the most able, have enhanced learning experiences through high quality teaching. Support and challenge is offered at appropriate levels for each individual pupil. Effective monitoring systems are in place for all learners, with close tracking of academic achievement and outstanding levels of pastoral care.

Colfe’s Junior School was awarded a Challenge Award from the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE), in 2024.

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

Learning Support is made up of a small team of specialist teachers and Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) who work to identify any pupils with SEND and co-ordinate the support required to access the curriculum. Once needs are identified, support is offered via a graduated response of assess, plan, do and review. School staff work with parents and – where applicable – outside agencies to formulate the most effective individual support programme for every child.

High quality teaching ensures that a range of support depending on the identified needs of the child. This can include short programmes or ‘boosts’ of support in numeracy and literacy through to more extended interventions as identified and recommended by professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Occupational Therapists.

Where possible, the school endeavours to make any reasonable adjustments that support our pupils to take part in and enjoy all aspects of school life.

We expect the majority of our junior school pupils to transfer to Colfe’s Senior School, specialist transition plans are offered to SEND pupils to ensure continuity of support.

See policies page for SEND Policy (Whole School) and SEND Information Report (Junior School).


Head of Junior School

"In these crucial pre-teen years, pupils learn to set themselves high standards, treat each other with respect and kindness and the importance of responsibility. " - Marie-Clare Gilfedder-Bonnar
Colfe's Pupils walking on Sports field

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