Junior Pastoral Care
A place where children can thrive and flourish
Providing an environment where our pupils can thrive and flourish – academically and personally – is at the heart of our outstanding pastoral care. We believe every member of staff has a part to play in the success of our pastoral ethos, with the relationship between our pupils and their form tutor being key.
For any questions relating to pastoral care and safeguarding in the Junior School, please email Mrs S Gurr, Deputy Head of Junior School & Designated Safeguarding Lead on sgurr@colfes.com.
Our values
We teach and guide our pupils to understand and live our core values, which run through every aspect of school life. They are: Effort, Happiness, Honesty, Love of Learning, Resilience, Respect and Teamwork.
Moral and spiritual guidance and embedding our School Values is intrinsic to the daily life of our school. Weekly assemblies and an extensive PSHEE programme of work, as well as clubs such as Philosophy for Children and Mindfulness alongside Circle Time discussions, give children the opportunity to reflect and ask questions about the world that we live in.
At school…and at home
We place much importance on the collaboration between home and school, building an open and communicative partnership where we make links between the classroom and home, school and family. Providing opportunities for parents to engage with school life are many and varied – ‘Stay and Play’, ‘Share, Read and Celebrate’, curriculum workshops, sports fixtures and days, dramatic and musical performances as well as House events and school trips add to the life and soul of our school and our children’s happiness and wellbeing.
Our four Houses give pupils many opportunities to establish friendships with other children across year groups and work as a team, for example, whilst running charity events. They also give the older children experience of leading and mentoring the younger children. This is enhanced by our prefect system in Year 6 which develops our pupils’ awareness and experience of having a formal responsibility and being a role model for others. Pupil Voice also fosters an understanding of democracy in action and that we are all responsible for our community and can change things for the betterment of all our Colfe’s citizens.
Along the way
During their life in the Junior School there could be moments when children are faced with difficult personal circumstances and may need professional help. We are fortunate that the support network within the Junior School also includes the services of a qualified counsellor and registered nurse.
As children progress through each key stage we aim to ensure a seamless transition. A variety of timely activities give children opportunities to experience the next part of their journey: the place, the people as well as the expectations, so preparing and helping them to feel confident about what lies ahead.
We pride ourselves on nurturing and equipping our pupils with the tools they need to successfully navigate the challenges of life as happy and confident individuals.