Ted Hughes’ 1968 children’s classic, The Iron Man, has been the inspiration for pupils in Year 3, who began their half-term creating models of their versions of the book’s metal hero.
Part modern fairy-tale, part sci-fi myth, The Iron Man is one of the Year 3 class texts for the autumn term, and informs many areas of the curriculum for the pupils, from English to history to art. The Iron Man models have been a historical project where the children were set the task of recycling any waste products from home to build their model of what they thought the Iron Man would look like.
Year 3 Teacher Lucy Hibbert said: “The Iron Man is a fantastic story that can inspire so many areas for learning across the curriculum, including English, art, history, PSHE and science. The children have had great fun building their models, and we have very much enjoyed seeing all their creations.”