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Scholarships & Bursaries

Financial assistance based on merit and means-testing

Winning a scholarship at Colfe’s is an honour which can also offer a reduction in school fees.

We offer financial assistance in the form of merit-based and means-tested scholarships in the senior school. Awards are given at the school’s discretion, and the number varies yearly; in a typical year group, we expect around a quarter of pupils to benefit from fee assistance. Academic merit-based scholarships normally offer between 10-50% reduction in fees, co-curricular scholarships between 10-20%. Means-tested scholarships can be worth up to 100%+ of the school fees.


All candidates who sit the 11+ and 16+ entrance assessments are automatically considered for an academic scholarship. These are awarded to those who demonstrate exceptional ability in the assessment, perform well at interview and who we believe will contribute markedly to the life of the school. Academic scholarships can be worth between 10-50% reduction in school fees, depending on performance in the entrance assessment.


A small number of means-tested scholarships of up to 100% of school fees are awarded to those who have a household income of less than £40,000 a year and who demonstrate exceptional ability in the entrance assessment, perform well at interview and who we believe will contribute markedly to the life of the school.

Music, Drama, Visual Arts & Sport

The importance of the wider curriculum at Colfe’s is reflected in our policy of offering a limited number of scholarships at 11+ and 16+ in Music, Drama, Visual Arts and Sport. Application is via the admissions process and candidates are only assessed if they have performed well enough in the academic assessment. Assessment includes practical based activities and interviews (including references) and successful candidates will be notified in their offer letters. Co-curricular scholarship can be worth between 10-20% reduction in school fees.

The co-curricular scholarship process can be fun, especially if it’s an area you are passionate about but competition is extremely high and candidates may be disappointed if they are not awarded a scholarship after all their efforts. We recommend you discuss the process carefully as a family before applying.

Learn more about Music, Drama, Art and Sport scholarships

Fully funded Sixth Form Scholarships

A limited number of fully funded (worth 100%+) means-tested scholarships are available in Colfe’s Sixth Form. These scholarships are funded by our Governors – the Leathersellers’ Company – and philanthropic donations, for pupils joining Colfe’s from local state schools and who meet the eligibility criteria.

Most applicants need to achieve at least five Grade 8s at GCSE. However, if your current school does not usually score highly at GCSE we may set a lower target. In addition, candidates should qualify for the government’s pupil premium or have a household income of less than £40,000 a year.

Find out more about the fully funded Sixth Form Scholarship Programme.

If you are unsure if you are eligible for a fully funded sixth form scholarship, please contact Admissions to discuss further.

Hardship Bursaries

Short-term hardship bursaries may be offered to current pupils whose financial circumstances have changed significantly since they joined the school. Please contact the Bursary for more information.

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