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2024/25 fees

For further information on the VAT increase in fees from January 2025, please see letter from Chair of Governors to current parents from November 2024.

Spring & Summer 2025 – including VAT
(where applicable)
Per Term
Inclusive of 15 hours childcare funding
£4,092 – VAT exempt
Inclusive of 15 hours childcare funding – up to and including the term the
child turns 5 years old
Exclusive of 15 hours childcare funding
Junior School (Year 1 & 2) £6,150
Junior School (Year 3 – 6) £6,880
Senior School (Year 7-13) £8,322

The term’s fees include tuition, basic stationery, materials and textbooks, library books and activities such as Orchestra and Choir as well as most societies. Also included are a Parents’ Association subscription and Personal Accident Insurance Premium.

Items not included in the fees:

1. Lunches are optional and available for a termly charge:
– EYFS (Nursery & Reception): £275 per term
– KS1  (Years 1&2): £315 per term
– KS2 and Senior School (Years 3-11): £337 per term
– Sixth Form (Years 12&13): Roebcucks Cafeteria is available to purchase lunch
2. Public Examination fees as charged by the examination boards at GCSE and A level.
3. Junior School wraparound care (Breakfast Club and After-School Care)

Fees may be paid by direct debit either termly or via three instalments per term. Colfe’s also runs a scheme for advance payment of school fees. Under this arrangement parents can pay a lump sum in advance to purchase credits against future school fees and receive a discount on the amount of credits purchased. Such sums can be paid prior to entry (once a pupil has been offered a place), on entry, or at any time during a pupil’s career at the school. Further details of the scheme and its Terms & Conditions are available on application to the Bursar by emailing

The Governors reserve the right to vary fees and charges termly, with a term’s notice. Fee changes are normally made annually for the start of each new school year. On acceptance of an offer of a place at Colfe’s, a deposit of £2250 is payable. This deposit is reimbursed at the end of the pupil’s time at the school.

Acceptance of a place at Colfe’s involves a parent agreeing to give a full term’s notice in writing of their son or daughter leaving the school. Failure to give such notice will make the parents responsible for the payment of a term’s fees.

Pupil Devices

On entry to the senior school, parents will be asked to purchase a device for their children to use in lessons and for homework. This is an additional cost to the fees – please see Digital Learning for more information.

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