2024/25 fees
VAT: The fees quoted are ex-VAT and are valid until the 1st January 2025 when VAT will be added to independent school fees. The net impact of the imposition of VAT has yet to be determined but our advice to parents is that they should budget for a 14% increase.
For further information, please see letter from Headmaster to current parents from 29 August, 2024.
The term’s fees include tuition, basic stationery, materials and textbooks, library books and activities such as Orchestra and Choir as well as most societies. Also included are a Parents’ Association subscription and Personal Accident Insurance Premium.
* The published fees are net of 15 free hours childcare funding. All children in the Nursery and children in Reception up to and including the term they turn five are eligible for funding.
Fees may be paid by direct debit either termly or via three instalments per term. Colfe’s also runs a scheme for advance payment of school fees. Under this arrangement parents can pay a lump sum in advance to purchase credits against future school fees and receive a discount on the amount of credits purchased. Such sums can be paid prior to entry (once a pupil has been offered a place), on entry, or at any time during a pupil’s career at the school. Further details of the scheme and its Terms & Conditions are available on application to the Bursar by emailing feesinadvance@colfes.com.
Items not included in the fees are:
1. Lunches, payable termly. EYFS and KS1 terms with 15 hours childcare funding; lunches are available for a termly charge of £275. EYFS and KS1 non-funded terms; school lunch is compulsory, cost included in fees above. KS2 and Senior School; the charge for 2024-25 is £337 per term (optional). The Sixth Form Cafeteria is available for Years 12 & 13.
3. Charges for private individual tuition.
4. Public Examination fees as charged by the examination boards at GCSE and A level.
5. Junior School wraparound care (Breakfast Club and After-School Care)
6. Registration fee for Applications (£150)
The Governors reserve the right to vary fees and charges termly, with a term’s notice. Fee changes are normally made annually for the start of each new school year. On acceptance of an offer of a place at Colfe’s, a deposit of £2250 is payable. This deposit is reimbursed at the end of the pupil’s time at the school.
Acceptance of a place at Colfe’s involves a parent agreeing to give a full term’s notice in writing of their son or daughter leaving the school. Failure to give such notice will make the parents responsible for the payment of a term’s fees.
Pupil Devices
On entry to the senior school, parents will be asked to purchase a device for their children to use in lessons and for homework. This is an additional cost to the fees – please see Digital Learning for more information.