The governing board brings a broad range of experience and qualifications
The majority are Members or appointees of the Leathersellers’ Company to which Abraham Colfe entrusted the School in his will when he died in 1657.
The activities of the Leathersellers’ are many and varied but the School and its fortunes continue to feature prominently on the Company’s agenda. The Master of the Company is, ex officio, a member of the Board of Governors.
Ex officio
The Master of the Leathersellers’ Company
Nicholas Tusting
Appointed by the Foundation Trustee
Matthew Pellereau BSc FRICS (Chairman)
Daniel Coulson BSc (Hons) MA MRICS (Vice Chairman)
Serena Cooke
Edward Dove
Timothy Lister FCA
James Russell BA
Mark Russell
Prof Laura Tunbridge
Co-optative Directors (appointed by Colfe’s)
Julie Bradley LLB
Belinda Canham BA (Hons) JP (Safeguarding)
Nick Hedley LLB (Hons)
Dr Nicola Jones (Cantab)
Joseph Mafe BSc
Christopher Ramsey MA (Cantab)
The Full Board meets four times each year and there are a number of Sub-Committees which report regularly to the full Board: the Finance and General Purposes Committee, the Education Committee, the Estates Committee and the Risk Management Committee.
The Chairman of the Governing body may be contacted by writing to:
Matthew Pellereau BSc FRICS
Chair of Governors
Colfe’s School
Horn Park Lane
SE12 8AW